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The European State of the Climate Report 2023

The European State of the Climate Report 2023

"The climate crisis is the biggest challenge of our generation. The cost of climate action may seem high, but the cost of inaction is much higher. As this report shows, we need to leverage science to provide solutions for the good of society."

A joint effort of World Meteorological Organization and Copernicus ECMWF provides a climate report that summarises how human-caused climate change affects Europe and beyond. It’s a clear, easy-to-understand scientific review vital to those working in tourism or events.

Melting Icerberg

It investigates the state of the climate in Europe, the Arctic, and the rest of the world in 2023.

Electric Storm

This regional climate report explores wildfires, oceans, flooding, sea ice, glaciers, and even arctic wildfires.

Marine Plastic Pollution

It offers a rich variety of resources including animated maps and video.

If you’re not convinced yet, consider these words from Carlo Buontempo, Director, C3S. “In 2023, Europe witnessed the largest wildfire ever recorded, one of the wettest years, severe marine heatwaves and widespread devastating flooding. Temperatures continue to increase, making our data ever more vital in preparing for the impacts of climate change.”

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