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Destination Regeneration – The Future Event Horizon

Destination Regeneration – The Future Event Horizon

Our first in a series of #NATUREWORKS white papers presents – AN ECOSYSTEM OF EVENT SUCCESS and reveals research conducted with IMEX and Marriott International that shows 2019 was a tipping point for sustainability in the events industry.

Join us for the launch of the report at PlanetIMEX, on October 14, 2020

On the 25th September 2015, the member states of the United Nations agreed the UN (United Nations) Agenda 2030 by adopting 17 Sustainable Development Goals that would put the world on the road to redress the environmentalsocietal, and economic imbalances present on the planet today.  

Five years later and in the midst of a global pandemic, we are facing a stark wakeup call; we cannot keep supporting a broken system. We need to move from sustaining what does not work and that cannot offer future resilience against the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss towards a future that offers us the choice to thrive 

To achieve this an entire systems overhaul is requiredparadigm shift in thinking and doing business and we believe the events and tourism sector has a key contribution to make in what we call the

Regenerative Revolution. 

Our first in a series of #NATUREWORKS white papers presents – AN ECOSYSTEM OF EVENT SUCCESS and reveals research conducted with IMEX and Marriott International that shows 2019 was a tipping point for sustainability in the events industry. However, despite a surge of demand and actions in our sector, only 3.4% of suppliers and organisers had implemented a circular strategy for their business events. Instead the focus has remained on linear business models which cannot promise to be sustainable as defined by Dr Brundtland:development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs  

One could say that by following this line we have created a system that is responsible for rampant pollution, massive economic inequalities, and staggering biodiversity loss.  

But there is hope and in the research report we present the key principles and methodologies guiding regenerative event design and management that serves to inspire, educate, and guide event professionals on their transition to more regenerative and circular event management strategies 

The result is an approach where event planning, resourcing, procurement, and production are designed and managed to optimise ecosystem functioning and human well-being and eradicate waste.  

The trillion-dollar tourism and events economy have the power to transform our energy, food, water, transport, employment, and social systems but we need to enable the professionals within this sector to step up and accelerate the actions that are required, and catalyse leadership and innovation. The case studies within the report highlight and inspire innovative approaches to event and destination management. 

We believe that by collaborating and sharing best practise and knowledge we can achieve a new future where the events and tourism sector contribute to the well-being of society 

Join us for the launch of the report at PlanetIMEX, on October 14, 2020

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