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GDS-Movement and Destination North East England Unveil the UK´s First-of-its-Kind Regenerative Visitor Economy Framework

GDS-Movement and Destination North East England Unveil the UK´s First-of-its-Kind Regenerative Visitor Economy Framework

Launch of innovative Regenerative Visitor Economy Framework marks a significant milestone in the evolution of regenerative tourism worldwide. 

This innovative framework marks a significant milestone in the evolution of regenerative tourism worldwide. 

In a groundbreaking initiative to reshape the tourism landscape and promote purposeful growth, the Global Destination Sustainability Movement (GDS-Movement) and Destinations North East England – England’s first Destination Development Partnership Pilot – officially launched the Destination North East England Regenerative Visitor Economy Framework on 9 September at Newcastle Cathedral with more than 160 political leaders and businesses present.   

 Co-created with the involvement of over 200 stakeholders across the industry, the framework sets out a shared understanding of regenerative tourism in North East England. It will empower Local Visitor Economy Partnerships, local authority tourism teams and other organisations engaged in destination management, to develop strategies that will support the visitor economy on its regenerative journey.   

Launch event - Regenerative Visitor Economy Framework

From L-R: Rebecca Norton-Price, Head of Visitor Economy, from Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Patricia Yates, CEO, VisitEngland, Lady Victoria Borwick, Chair’ VisitEngland, Guy Bigwood, CEO, GDS Movement, Kim McGuinness, North East Mayor, John Marshall, Chair, Destination North East England, Andrew Stokes OBE, England Director, VisitEngland, Cllr Amanda Hopgood, Leader of Durham County Council and Portfolio Holder for Creative, Culture, Tourism and Sport, North East Combined Authority and Jamie Fletcher, Environment Agency and Net Zero North East England Board Member endorse the Destination North East England Regenerative Visitor Economy Framework

 The Regenerative Visitor Economy Framework focuses on five key pathways: 

 Decarbonise the industry and adapt to climate challenges. 

  1. Foster thriving local businesses through innovation and sustainable supply chains. 
  2. Invest in people to create inclusive employment opportunities and skills development. 
  3. Connect people and communities with improved, inclusive infrastructure for enhanced and active mobility, and digital access. 
  4. Restore nature, landscapes, culture, and heritage by investing in recovery and revitalisation projects, reducing pollution, and managing access, as well as creating accessible innovative products and experiences. 

These pathways are supported by five cross-cutting enablers, which include good governance and collaboration, diversified sustainable funding, insights and data-led decision-making, inclusive training and development, and dynamic engagement. This comprehensive approach not only aligns with the North East’s net-zero emissions target but also aims to rejuvenate the local economy, reduce poverty, create quality jobs, and ensure a more equal and prosperous future for all by making the region a model for regenerative tourism. 

VisitEngland CEO Patricia Yates said: “Growing the visitor economy and generating better outcomes for visitors, the environment, communities and businesses is at the heart of VisitEngland’s restructuring of the tourism landscape and it is great to see the North-East launching its Regenerative Visitor Economy Framework. 

 “Setting out its commitment to regenerative tourism and demonstrating how this also makes business sense will support the region’s industry to be resilient, sustainable and world-class, attracting both domestic and international visitors now and in the years ahead.” 

 Speaking at the launch event, CEO of GDS-Movement Guy Bigwood addressed reports of the significant impact over-tourism has on destinations globally and pushed leaders in the North East to use the framework to affect change. 

  Following his keynote, Guy Bigwood commented further: “This framework is one of the most ambitious regenerative tourism projects delivered globally to date. It provides a robust and holistic set of guidelines and actions that is founded upon the culture, needs and collective ambition the industry and political leaders share for the region.  It has been a hugely rewarding co-creation process involving hundreds of passionate people from communities and the tourism industry who are proud of and committed to developing this amazing and forward-thinking destination. Simply put – this project is world-class!” 

 Chair of Destination North East England John Marshall added: “As England’s first Destination Development Partnership, we knew we had to achieve our ambitions of doubling the value of the visitor economy in a sustainable and considerate manner. This framework is a true reflection of how North East England is leading the way to make sure that tourism and events work for our local communities, our industry and our planet. It truly demonstrates how forward-thinking our region is, and it is great to see universal support from our region’s leaders and our visitor economy. 

  “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the hundreds of stakeholders who have been involved in co-creating this framework, their dedication and commitment has resulted in a piece of work that will pave the way for a sustainable and resilient future for our region. “ 

 The framework is not a static document but a dynamic guide that will evolve over time. It is designed to inform and guide the North East’s broader 10-year visitor economy strategy, ensuring that tourism development contributes to overall economic and social objectives. The Regenerative Visitor Economy Taskforce will continue to evolve and play a vital role in reviewing and adapting the framework to meet emerging challenges and opportunities. 

 The launch event was delivered in partnership with North East Combined Authority and Net Zero North East England, with leaders from the region’s 7 local authorities and the North East Mayor Kim McGuinness endorsing the framework.  

Download the Regenerative Visitor Economy Framework here.



For further information, contact Anja Spice, 


The GDS-Movement is a pioneering, data-driven international change agency that acts to catalyse socio-economic and environmental transformation in cities and regions across the world. Our mission is to empower tourism and events professionals with the mindsets, skill sets, and toolsets to co-create more regenerative and resilient destinations to visit, meet, and live in.  

Discover more at 


ABOUT Destination North East England 

 Destination North East England is led by NewcastleGateshead Initiative on behalf of the region, working with delivery partners Visit Northumberland and Visit County Durham and in partnership with all seven local authorities alongside the region’s trailblazing devolution deal delivered by the North East Combined Authority to unlock the growth potential of the region’s visitor economy. 

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